happy young woman sitting next to her piano on a laptop studying music theory


Teaching Resources
Music Theory Courses

Young Asian girl sitting learning to play piano from an online course on her open laptop


Music Theory Courses
Private Piano Lessons
Online Piano Courses

two women on a business zoom call with music theory book and ipad displaying a music course


Teacher Entrepreneurship
Pedagogy Training
Business Consulting

Welcome to Piano Program

Piano Program offers online Music Theory Courses for grades 1-11 and is a one-stop educational platform for music teachers and students alike.

I’m Dr. Kathy Winston, I’m Dr. Kathy Winston, a professional musician with a doctorate in piano, and I know that building a career in music requires expertise and grit.

One of my missions in founding Piano Program is to offer the highest quality Pedagogy Training for teachers through workshops and consultations to develop business skills as entrepreneurs.

The Teacher Training and Teaching Resources are proven solutions to save you time, invigorate your teaching, and help build your dream career.

Online Piano Courses and private Piano Lessons are also offered for students wishing to expand their skills at the piano.

Head and shoulder portrait of a softly smiling woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a balck top leaning against a white wall
Head and shoulder portrait of a softly smiling woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a blue sleeveless top, with a piano in the background holding a Piano Program music Theory Book on the music stand
  • Music Theory
  • For Teachers
  • Music Theory
  • For Teachers
Happily smiling young Caucasian girl with brown shoulder length hair sitting next to her piano holding up a lilac Piano Program Music theory Book
  • Music Theory
  • For Students
  • Music Theory
  • For Students

Music Theory by Dr Kathy Winston

An innovative & self paced method of learning for teachers and students

11 Levels • 15 – 20 Videos per Level • 1 Workbook per Level

“I created the music theory courses for teachers and students alike. Following the ‘flipped classroom model, students watch instructional videos and learn music theory concepts at home or during lesson time. Concepts are reinforced through written workbook exercises. Students return to their lesson with an increased knowledge of music theory.”

Music Theory For Teachers

Free-up your time

Imagine not ever having to plan your music theory lessons so that you can focus your teaching and lesson time on what you love – repertoire, improvisation, and connecting with your students.

Flipped Classroom Model

Your students can watch a teaching video during lab time, or at home, then come back to the lessons with you ready to discuss what they learned.

Immediate Results

If a student gets stuck understanding something that is music theory related in their lesson, you can easily go to your course access and pull up a video, workbook page, and interactive exercise to help them understand and master that concept.


Music Theory For Students

Self-Paced Self-Study

Students can watch and rewatch instructional videos as needed, and “catch up” to their grade level, allowing them to create a unique sequence and timeline of comprehension.

Music Theory Exam Prep

Master state and AP theory examinations and prepare for university level classes by working through one level per year of study. Catch up as needed through self paced study at home.

Parent Assurance

Know that your child is learning a sequential level of music theory, preparing them not only for their instrumental performance success, but also giving them an edge in future college applications, regardless of their degree program.

Piano Program Services

Workshops for Teachers

Online group workshops designed to help teachers refine pedagogy and business skills within a supporting and growing community.


man with headphones learning the piano using a course video on the laptop

Online Piano Course

Choose from the popular “Piano for Beginners,” a step-by-step method for learning how to play the piano, or a 6 week course to understanding chords at the piano.


Private Piano Lessons

30, 45, or 60 minute weekly lessons offered both in-person at my studio in Cedar Park, TX, or online via zoom. Students of all ages and abilities have been studying with me for over 30 years.


Consulting Services

Individual 1:1 Online Coaching, follow up sessions and the support of a private community are all the ingredients that I offer to those with the drive and ambition to take their studio or music business to the next level.

Teacher Entrepreneurship

You love to teach. Let me help you learn the skills of entrepreneurship so that your music business runs like clockwork.

Pedagogy Training

Grow as a teacher by learning tips and tools for teaching repertoire, developing technique, motivating students and more.

Business Coaching

I built a commercial studio worth half a million from the ground up and ran it successfully for over 10 years and now offer 1:1 Business Coaching to those with big business dreams.


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