Music Theory for Students

Online Music Theory Prep for Levels 1 to 11

High quality, easy to follow Music Theory Learning for your Child Level 1 to 11

Get the learning resource that follows the TMTA state theory curriculum.

I’m both a piano teacher and a mom. I know the importance of a solid music education for our children, and I know, firsthand, how studying music gives children a well rounded background when applying for college.

I created the affordable, stand-alone self-study Piano Program music theory courses to ensure that students Levels 1 to 11, would have access to music theory instruction for each year leading up to college.

As a former university music professor I know theory knowledge
– is the glue that holds music instruction together
– gives students a leg up in their own private music lessons
– increases success in student music performance skills
– increases success in state music theory & AP exam scores
– increases confidence when preparing for competitions

My son was excited to see your video yesterday again, he really loves the computer effects… I told him he was going to correct his own worksheet by watching the same video again. Right away, as he was watching it, he already knew some of the stuff he had missed. What a fun alternative for him to study his music theory!

Paola Perin

We are lucky to have Kathy teach our son. She is patient, kind, talented, and exceptionally knowledgeable. I played for over 25 years and wish I had a teacher like her when I was a kid. We are hoping to start our daughter with her next year. Kathy is a gem!
Monti Pal

Dr. Winston’s music theory courses have been a wonderful addition to my son’s music lessons. They help him to understand and interpret the piano music that he is playing, and we have been amazed at how quickly he has been able to fluently read music with their aid. He has taken three theory tests, and he has been very well prepared for them thanks to these courses. The lessons are clear, positive and concise enough to keep his attention – they have made learning music theory fun!

Dr. Lindsey Moore

Four Steps to Success

How it works



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SELECT the Level your child is studying and make the purchase. Priced at $65 with 365 days access. Scholarships available.



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a lesson illustration

Music Theory Courses


Each Music Theory Level gives your child 365 days access to my easy-to-use, instructional music theory video learning that follows the TMTA state theory curriculum, printable PDF worksheets, and interactive exercises.


$65 per student license (valid 365 days)
Reduced scholarship prices available (please email

Workbook Companion

Each workbook is included inside the course level as a downloadable and printable PDF file. You need Adobe Acrobat or similar to open a PDF. The workbook is also available to purchase as a US Letter Paperback Bound. Click the workbook level image below or to go to LULU.COM to access all (note: a new tab will open on your device).

Workbook Level 1

Music Theory Course - Level 1

Learn the basics of music theory!
– the musical alphabet
– the piano keyboard
– the staff & notes on the grand staff
– parts of notes
– bar lines and measures
– quarter, half, and whole notes
– rests, time signatures and counting
– steps and skips
– dynamics
– high/low, up/down, same/different
– finger numbers

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 1st Grade as well as the NFMC Level 1 theory test.

Workbook Level 2 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 2

Learn the basics of music theory!
– the musical alphabet & the piano keyboard
– quarter, half, whole, and dotted half notes and rests
– intervals of a 2nd and a 3rd
– half and whole steps, sharps and flats
– rhythm
– writing in counts and adding bar lines in 3/4 and 4/4 time signatures
– dynamics, repeat sign
– notes on the staff
– up/down, same/different
– identifying the missing note through listening

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 2nd Grade as well as the NFMC Level 2 theory test.

Workbook Level 3 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 3

Learn the basics of music theory!
– musical alphabet, staff and note identification
– quarter, half, dotted half, and whole notes and rests
– intervals of a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th
– whole and half steps, rhythms and time signatures
– the pattern of whole and half steps in a major scale
– C major, G major & F major scales and key signatures
– slur & tie, legato, & staccato
– natural sign
– vocabulary (treble clef, bass clef,brace, bar line, double bar line, flat, sharp, piano, forte, key signature, & time signature)
– rhythmic dictation & identifying the missing note by listening
– steps/skips ear training, and the concept of a 5th up and down from C

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 3rd Grade as well as the NFMC Level 3 theory test.

Workbook Level 4 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 4

Learn the basics of music theory!
– the staff
– eighth note and rest & notes on the staff
– vocabulary (tempo, ritardando, crescendo, decrescendo (diminuendo), & ornament)
– rhythm and counting in 3/4 and 4/4, time signatures and bar lines
– C, G, D, A, E, & F Major scales and key signatures
– major triads and primary chords
– rhythmic dictation, compare and listen
– identification of major triads by listening
– going up and down a 5th from C through 4 sharps and 4 flats.

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 4th Grade as well as the NFMC Level 4 theory test.

Workbook Level 5 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 5

Learn the basics of music theory!
– the staff and notation
– whole steps, half steps, and enharmonic notes
– intervals up to an octave & major and minor thirds
– dotted quarter and sixteenth notes and rests
– draw missing notes/rests using the meters 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, and 6/4
– counting and missing bar lines in 3/4, 4/4, or 5/4 meter
– C, G, D, A, E, F, Bb, Eb, & Ab Major scales and key signatures
– tonic and dominant notes of each scale
– tonic triads, order of sharps and flats, and dominant triads
– vocabulary (Ledger Lines, Chromatic Sign, Accidental, Enharmonic Spelling, Cadence, Authentic Cadence, Accidental, Andante, Cadence, Chromatic Sign, Da Capo, Dal Sego, Dominant, Enharmonic Spelling, Ledger Lines, Moderato, Motive/Motif, Pentatonic Scale, Subdominant, Syncopation)
– analysis, rhythmic dictation and melodic dictation
– interval and triad ear training, and identifying 5ths up and down from C through all of the sharps and flats

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 5th Grade as well as the NFMC Level 5 theory test.

Workbook Level 6 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 6

Learn the basics of music theory!
– whole and half steps and enharmonic notes
– 8th and 16th notes and rests
– draw a missing note or rest
– notation using the rhythms covered in level 6
– simple and compound time signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 3/8, and 6/8
– drawing bar lines in 6/8 meter
– order of sharps and flats
– major circle of 5ths
– all major key signatures and scales
– vocabulary (Syncopation, Cadence, Ledger Line, Adagio, Allegro, al Fine, Binary Form, Con Moto, Consonant, Dissonant, Dominant Triad, Major Third, Meter, Minor Third, Minor Triad, Octave, Poco a Poco, Primary Triads, Rallentando, Subdominant Triad, Ternary Form, Triad Root, Unison)
– all the intervals up to an octave
– major and minor thirds & triads and primary triads
– analysis & the minor circle of 5ths
– intervallic and triad ear training
– rhythmic dictation & melodic dictation

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 6th Grade as well as the NFMC Level 6 theory test.

Workbook Level 7 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 7

Learn the basics of music theory!
-diatonic whole and half steps
– eighth note triples
– drawing the missing note or rest in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, or 6/8 meters
– ledger lines
– double flat and sharps
– simple, asymmetrical, and compound time signatures
– the major and minor circle of 5ths
– minor key signatures
– relative major and minor key signatures
– major and minor scales
– vocabulary (Triad fifth, Asymmetrical Meter, Piu Mosso, Dolce, Animato, Sempre, Rallentando, Compound meter, Double Sharp, Poco a Poco)
– intervals within a major scale
– major triads, inversions and primary triads
– analysis & spelling major traits
– major/minor triad ear training
– intervallic ear training & scale ear training
– rhythmic dictation and melodic dictation

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 7th Grade as well as the NFMC Level 7 theory test.

Workbook Level 8 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 8

Learn the basics of music theory!
– diatonic and chromatic half steps
– major, perfect, minor, and augmented intervals
– 2/2 and 3/2 time signatures
– draw a missing note or rest in 6/8, 9/8, or 12/8 time signatures
– dotted half rest and major triads
– all major and minor key signatures
– parallel major and minor key signatures
– lead sheet triads & primary triads and inversions
– melodic composition & analysis
– natural/harmonic/melodic minor scales
– vocabulary (Accelerando, Arpeggio, Cantabile, Chromatic Half Step, Diatonic Half Step, Diminished Triad, First Inversion Triad, Harmonic Minor Scale, Marcato, Melodic Minor Scale, Root Position Triad, Second Inversion Triad, Subito, Transposition)
– transposition & intervalic ear training
– major/minor/diminished triad ear training
– rhythmic dictation and melodic dictation
– scale ear training & rhythmic sight reading

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 8th Grade as well as the NFMC Level 8 theory test.

Workbook Level 9 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 9

Learn the basics of music theory!
– chromatic and diatonic half steps
– major, minor, perfect, augmented, and diminished intervals
– enharmonic equivalents
– melodic composition & time signatures
– minor scales and key signatures
– transposition & triad inversions
– figured bass
– part writing/four part harmony
– lead sheet triads for major, minor, diminished, and augmented chords
– vocabulary (Ad Libitum, Alto, Aria, Augmented Interval, Bass, Diminished Interval, Half Cadence, Harmonic Interval, Imperfect Authentic Cadence, Melodic Interval, Melody, Names of Scale Degrees, Parallel Keys, Perfect Authentic Cadence, Phrase, Prelude, Relative Keys, Semplice, Soprano, Tenor, and Whole Tone Scale)
– parallel major and minor key signatures
– intervallic ear training
– rhythmic dictation & melodic dictation
– major/minor/diminished/augmented triad ear training

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 9th Grade as well as the NFMC Level 9 theory test.

Workbook Level 10 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 10

Learn the basics of music theory!
– 32nd notes and rests
– 8th note triplets
– Major, Minor, Perfect, Augmented, and Diminished Intervals
– Time Signatures & Minor Scales
– Parallel and Relative Keys
– Chromatic Scales & Scale Degree Names
– Triad Identification and Construction
– Triads within a major scale
– Dominant 7th Chords
– Open and Close positions
– Half, Perfect, and Plagal Cadences
– Chord Analysis in Classical Repertoire
– Part Writing Analysis
– Completing a cadence with four part harmony
– Lead Sheet Triads – Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished, and Dominant 7ths
– Passing and Neighbor Non-Chord Tones
– Melodic composition in compound time signatures
– Vocabulary and Ear Training

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 10th Grade as well as the NFMC Level 10 theory test.

Workbook Level 11 - click to purchase

Music Theory Course - Level 11

Learn the basics of music theory!
– Rhythm & Analysis
– Notation: Sharp, double sharp, flat, double flat and natural signs
– Intervals: Interval Inversions
– Key Signatures – Major, Parallel and Relative Minor
– Chromatic Scales & Modes
– Whole Tone Scales
– Tonic, Subdominant, and Dominant Triads
– Triad Construction
– Triads within a minor scale
– Resolving V7 to I
– Two Measure Chord Progression
– Deceptive Cadences
– Part Writing Analysis
– Major, Minor, and Diminished Seventh Chords
– Lead Sheet Chords
– Principles of melodic writing in a minor key
– Vocabulary & Ear Training

This theory course covers all the material needed for the TMTA state theory test for 11th Grade as well as the NFMC Level 11 theory test.

Ty so much Kathy !!
This will help us so much 🙂 . Also I have a family who has been purchasing individually to study at home and they are loving it.

Just loveeee it so much and thank you for all you do.  It’s been a wonderful addition to my studio.  I will not stress over theory exams this year due to your program.

Susan Hong

Piano Teacher

Piano Program theory courses are designed with skill and thoughtfulness. My two kids have been learning music theory with Dr. Winston for the last few years and each of them have different learning styles. Both kids find the lessons engaging, and I can see them learning the concepts easily. Highly recommend these courses for music theory. Wish I had courses like this when I learned music theory as a kid!

Monti Pal


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