Beginning Piano Course Outline
Unit 1: Playing on the Black Keys
- Lesson 1: Posture at the Piano; Quarter, Half, Whole Notes
- Lesson 2: Playing on the 3 Black Keys
- Lesson 3: Moving to a Higher Set of Two Black Keys, Bar Lines
- Lesson 4: Combining 2 and 3 Black Keys; Treble Clef; Bass Clef
- Lesson 5: Chimes; Dotted Half Notes, 3/4
- Lesson 6: Time Signatures
- Lesson 7: First Dance and Improvisation on the black keys
- Lesson 8: Floating; Repeat; One Octave Higher
- Lesson 9: Yes I can!
- Lesson 10: Amazing Grace on the Black Keys
Unit 2: Playing on the White Keys
- Lesson 11: The Musical Alphabet; CDE
- Lesson 12: Three Finger Twist
- Lesson 13: Hot Cross Buns; Mary Had a Little Lamb; Eighth Notes
- Lesson 14: FGAB; Au Clair de la Lune
- Lesson 15: GAB Finger Twist
- Lesson 16: Rain, Rain, Go Away
- Lesson 17: Ode to Joy
- Lesson 18: Old MacDonald
Unit 3: Treble Clef Reading
- Lesson 19: Notes on the Treble Clef
- Lesson 20: Hot Cross Buns and Mary Had a Little Lamb revisited in the Treble Clef
- Lesson 21: ABCDE on the Treble Clef
- Lesson 22: Starting on D
- Lesson 23: Middle C Position; Humming Tune; Ties
- Lesson 24: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
- Lesson 25: Vivaldi’s Spring; upbeat
Unit 4: Bass Clef Reading
- Lesson 26: ABCDE on the Bass Clef
- Lesson 27: C Position
- Lesson 28: Down from Middle C
- Lesson 29: When the Saints Go Marching In; C Position
- Lesson 30: Jingle Bells; G Position
- Lesson 31: Lightly Row; C Position
Unit 5: Grand Staff
- Lesson 32: I Can Play All Day
- Lesson 33: Triumph; 8va, Fermata; Open 5ths
- Lesson 34: Waterfall; 15ma
- Lesson 35: Wondering; Harmonic 3rds and 2nds
- Lesson 36: Long, Long Ago; Slurs
- Lesson 37: Are you Sleeping?, extensions, rests
- Lesson 38: Camptown Races
- Lesson 39: I’ll Fly; Staccato
Unit 6: Grand Staff, Hands Together
- Lesson 40: Lightly Row; Tonic (I) and Dominant (V) Harmonization
- Lesson 41: Au Clair de la Lune
- Lesson 42: The Swing; Whole and Half Rests
- Lesson 43: Questioning; Quarter Rests
- Lesson 44: Alouette; Dynamics
- Lesson 45: London Bridge
- Lesson 46: Amazing Grace
- Lesson 47: Graduation